Why You Can’t Find Your Perfect Furniture Look

I know; it’s hard to find the perfect look for your home.  You browse Pinterest, home décor blogs, and furniture stores (and their websites) looking for the right combination of furniture, the right colors, the right function, size, comfort level, etc. etc.

But with all the options out there and places to look, why is it so difficult to find the perfect look?

You’re not shopping with the right person.

Yeah, you can go into just about any furniture store and shop with a sales associate.  Sometimes they’re part-time, sometimes full-time, and sometimes they’re wonderful, while other times, they’re wondering what time they get to leave and go to a party later.  Some are just interested in the commission, while others really want to help you find the right things for your home.

Another option is to just go into a store and look yourself.  Many people choose this option.  You know the feeling; you walk into a store, the sales associate asks if you need any help looking, and you say something along the lines of, “No thanks, just browsing.”  You continue to browse the store, find nothing, and move on to another store or another website.  The furniture you were looking for just wasn’t there.  Is it anywhere?

Finding the right person to help you create the look for your home can change all of this.

When you find a salesperson who really wants to help you find the right look, plus knows what he/she is doing, you can finally get on the right path to finding a look that is perfect for your home.

Home décor is all about picturing your vision for your dream home—what colors, what feel you want it to have (cozy, modernistic, rustic log cabin, etc.).  You get an exact picture in your head of what you want, and yet it’s very difficult to actually find it.


The reason you can’t always find what you’re looking for when you walk into a store and browse is because often, what you’re looking for isn’t there.

This is when having a salesperson who listens and knows what’s out there is beneficial.  Once a salesperson like this gets an idea of what you’re looking for, he/she knows exactly what might be available or where to look.  Even if the furniture isn’t right there out on the floor for you to look at (imagine how much you’ve missed because you didn’t know they didn’t put everything out!), they can help you find it!  The difference between a person like this and one who’s just there to sell you whatever you seem to want at the time can make the difference between finding exactly what you want for your home (and making the inside of your home everything you wanted it to be).  Stay within your budget, and have your visions realized without driving yourself crazy looking through pictures of products that don’t exist anymore, or that you don’t know if it will be comfortable or serve its purpose well!

Get good quality furniture with the help of someone who listens to what you want and can help you fulfill your vision and give your home the look and feel you always imagined.  Don’t wander aimlessly hoping for something nice to show up.  This is your home.  Make it what you want it to be.

For help finding the perfect furniture to fulfill your vision, call me or text me (216-296-3957) to schedule a time to come into Levin Furniture (16960 Sprague Rd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio)!

Halloween Decorations on a Budget

Halloween decorThis time of year is a lot of people’s favorite.  Fall weather, changing leaf colors (at least for those of us in the Cleveland area), and yes, Halloween!  With it comes dressing up in fun costumes, lots and lots of candy, and fun decorations that are festive and help spice things up around the house!  Don’t go out and spend a bunch of money on store-bought decorations, though!  You can make your Halloween-decorated home pretty festive without having to break the bank!

  1. pumpkin carvingTurn your pumpkins into something exciting.  Instead of having pumpkins and Jack-O-Lanterns everywhere (although, of course, some of them are almost necessary when decorating for Halloween!), try making them into other things! Paint some black and use pipe cleaners for whiskers, and make eyes and a nose out of paper!  Or, what about Ninja Turtles?  A skull?  Bats?  Get creative; get your kids involved!
  2. Craft foam – Use craft foam to make some cool decorations. Cut out bats, put googly eyes on them, and hang them from trees upside down!  Or use white (with googly eyes) to make some ghosts to put on the windows!  The sky (and your ability to stencil and cut out shapes) is the limit!
  3. Pillows – Try some Halloween-themed throw pillows. Spread them around the house to spice things up and show the Halloween spirit!  Don’t make them so spooky that you don’t want to sit near them, though!
  4. Table cloths – This is a great way to make the house look festive for Halloween (or any holiday, really). Get a Halloween-themed cloth table cloth.  Or try orange and black layered ones.  Or, if you’re looking for a craft project for yourself and your kids, get fabric markers, and draw Halloween shapes all over a white table cloth yourself!
  5. Make a wreath. – It’s not as much work as it sounds. Get a grapevine wreath and cover it with felt fall-colored leaves to add some color.  Another easy wreath option is to buy a foam wreath circle and wrap a Halloween-colored fabric all around it.  Quick, easy, and you might even have fun making it!

Get creative this Halloween!  You don’t have to drag out the same decorations every year!  You can, of course, and nobody would really know, but make it more exciting for yourself without having to spend a lot of extra money!  Have fun doing it, and every time you see the decorations, you’ll think about how much fun it was to pick it out or make it!

Want more home decorating ideas or shopping for furniture or accents for your home?  Give me a call to set up a time to visit Levin Furniture in Middleburg Heights, so I can help you find the perfect fits for your home!