Nursery Design Ideas for When Pink and Blue are too Boring

Long gone are the days when “blue is for boys and pink is for girls”. But how do you decorate your nursery when yellow is just too boring? With décor possibilities being endless, it’s worth understanding color theory before choosing your little one’s nursery décor. As little research has been done specifically on color theory for infants, let’s take a look at what we believe about how color affects adults.

When choosing colors, think about the values you have and the messages you want to send your child. Do you want to create a warm, nurturing environment? Do you want to encourage exploration and discovery of the world? Do you want the nursery to be light and airy, helping her precious imagination soar? Choosing the correct colors and color combinations can create the right environment for your child’s future development.



Passion, excitement, the heart

Red is an attention-getting, strong color. It’s bold and brave, the perfect choice for adventure and exploration. It’s also a nurturing, warm color, the color of love and of the heart. Red is also the color of blood ties and family. Choose red when you want to support your child in developing his or her personality traits, supported from a loving base.


Warmth, comfort, coziness

Orange is the color of campfires and fall leaves. It invokes snuggly blankets and hot chocolate, family time by the fire. Orange is the color of communication and conversation, exploring interpersonal connections and intellect. It’s friendly and happy. Choose orange when you want to support your child in developing interpersonal skills and intellectual pursuits.


Cheerfulness, optimism, brightness

Yellow is sunshine and summer. It’s playful, happy, and upbeat without being too overwhelming. Use yellow with caution, however; not only is it overused in nurseries, it can overstimulate your infant. Choose yellow as an accent color, and use it either as an accent color or in a muted tone.

Green NurseryGREEN

Growth, refreshing, calm

Green is the color of green leaves and growing things. It connects your baby with the outdoors and subtle, calming influences. Green promotes concentration and thinking and is ideal for creating a learning environment that’s safe and supportive. Choose green when you want to help your child connect with the world around him or her and learn from a solid, supportive, stress-free foundation.


Infinite possibilities, healing, subtlety

Blue is the color of the sky and of boundless potential. It evokes soaring, limitless imagination. Be careful with the shade you choose, though – gray-blues can be melancholy and navy blue can be too dark. Choose bright or warm blue when you want to encourage productivity and comfort.


Luxury, mystery, and uniqueness

Long the color of royalty, purple is a rare and special color in the natural world. Paler, softer purples evoke relaxation and calm, like the lavender fields of France. Choose purple to help your child develop his or her unique, special talents.


Innocence, coolness

Although white is the color of purity, be careful using white in a baby’s space – it’s prone to stains and becoming dingy! Use white as an accent color to promote sincerity and openness.

Need some furniture for your baby’s nursery?  Come in to see me at Levin Furniture in Middleburg Heights, and I can help you get unique (or stay classic)!