5 Ways to Refresh Your Home for Summer

Summer is the perfect time to refresh your home: The skies are bluer, the days are longer, and the sunshine gives us all an energy boost, and we want it to lost forever. So, in between planning your vacations and weekends lounging by the pool, try these tips to infuse your space with the spirit of summer.


sylvia-prats-602576-unsplash1. Bring the outdoors in. Being around plants and greenery can improve your mood, increase concentration and focus, and promote relaxation. You don’t have to head outside to get these benefits, though — try placing a few houseplants in bright-colored pots around your home. You’ll instantly have a more summery look, and you’ll reap the physical benefits!


2.Kick the clutter. Spring cleaning isn’t just for spring! If you haven’t yet done a thorough cleaning of your home, use the long days of summer to your advantage and give your place a thorough scrub. While you’re at it, clear out any knickknacks or clutter accumulated during the colder seasons. Organize and store any items you won’t be using, like snow boots or heavy blankets, and toss or recycle anything you identify as trash to avoid clutter buildup between seasons.



karolina-szczur-504611-unsplash3. Reflect some rays. Take advantage of the sun shining brighter and longer with a large mirror. Pay attention to the spot in your living room or bedroom where the sun’s rays hit most, and hang the mirror there: The reflection of the light will help make the room feel bigger and more open.



4. Use breezy bedding. Heavy blankets and fuzzy pillows are great for cooler temperatures, but uncomfortable in the summer. Try switching to linen: When used on duvet covers, pillows, and throw blankets, this light and breezy fabric will provide warmth and comfort without stifling you in the summer heat.




5. Mix in lightened wood. Whitewashed or weathered wood pieces will lend a summery, nautical feel to your environment. Try incorporating some new accent pieces, like decorative driftwood or a piece of rustic wooden wall art; if you’re looking for a bigger change, you can choose one of your furniture pieces to sand down and paint white for a brand-new look.Rejuvenating your home for summer will help you enjoy the season to its fullest. Your days might be jam-packed with activities, but taking the time to give your space a few updates will allow you to enjoy that summer feeling both inside and out!


Another way to refresh your home and keep summer lasting even longer, bring some more summer into your home with new furniture or home accessories!  Contact me, or come visit me at Levin Furniture in Middleburg Heights.