Furniture Shopping Tips


Shopping for new furniture should be an exciting and happy experience, but too often it turns into a stressful and exhausting task. Whether you’re simply replacing a worn-out couch or looking to completely furnish your first home, choosing the right pieces can be daunting.


If you’re in the market for new furniture, begin by first setting a realistic budget. Once you have an idea of what you can spend, you’ll be able to find the best value and quality within your price range. After you’ve set your budget, follow these 5 tips for a shopping experience that’s stress-free, exciting, and dare we say — fun!


  1. Go for quality, not quantity. If you’re a student, working on a tight budget, or artem-bali-590545-unsplashfurnishing a home for the first time, you may be tempted to search out deals on cheap furniture you can get a lot of for a lower price. Try and wait it 
    out: Buying a higher-quality piece or two at a time will pay off in the long run as they’ll inevitably last much longer before breaking down or showing obvious wear and tear.



2. Before buying any large pieces (for example, couches or tables) record their measurements. Then, at home, l
ay down blue tape to approximate the piece’s size and shape and see how it works in your space.



annie-spratt-294447-unsplash3. Consider comfort in addition to style. As much as you might like that ultra-sleek, modern couch when you see it in the store, you want to be sure that any new pieces you buy fit with your desired comfort level and the environment of the room itself. Don’t be afraid to try out the sample furniture in the store — that’s what it’s there for, and there’s nothing worse than buying a new couch or chair only to find out once it’s in your home that it’s as hard as a rock or too saggy to sit comfortably on.


4. Before you go shopping, take pictures of the furniture you currently own and plan on keeping in the room, as well as the room’s general layout. This way, when you’re shopping, you’ll be able to better envision what the new piece will look like and where it could fit in your space.




5. Enlist the help of the store’s sales consultants. They’re product experts, plus they often have great creative input and can give you n

ew ideas for decor or furniture arrangement. They’re there to help you build the room or home of your dreams, so take them up on it!



By working these tips into your shopping excursion, you can put some joy back into your search for new furniture — and be confident that the pieces you choose will provide comfort and quality in your home for years to come. For any of your furniture buying needs please call Donna, with Levin’s Furniture, at (216) 296-3957.

