How to Fit Furniture Into Your Budget

How to Fit Furniture into Your Budget

So you decided it’s either time for new furniture or maybe even your first time buying furniture for a new home! Well as fun as it can be to pick out the new décor pieces you must think financially to ensure you can afford just the right look. Buying furniture can be expensive but it doesn’t have to break your wallet. Below are a few options available to you to help you get the furniture you love all while staying in your budget!

The first thing to keep in mind is prioritizing. Take a few moments to sit down and make a list of what you can afford and everything you need. Make the list in order of importance such as a bed, fridge, table, chairs, couch, and T.V. Bigger isn’t always better, for example, don’t try to buy the largest flat screen and wind up sitting on the floor to watch it because of overspending on one item. T.V. should also be at the bottom of the list as it’s not a priority; we all watch Netflix on our MacBook’s now, anyway right?
furniture-3213726__340.jpg     Now that you have your list and know what you’re able to afford you want to start looking into a good place to purchase your furniture. Certain items can be purchased second hand but do not carry a warranty as brand new appliances or furniture may. If something may break, tear, or become defective you will appreciate that warranty that came with the new purchase. Professionals at a furniture store can help you plan out furniture to your specific budget. Whether it’s a complete refurbish, a bedroom, living room, or any other room you are working with, buying a new set up with the advice of a professional can work wonders for your home.
photo-1438979315413-de5df30042a1.jpg    You can also think multi-functional when you purchase your items. Make one piece do the work of two. If you rarely use the dining room, for example, use the table as a desk, or a work area until a regular desk or workspace fits into your budget. Find an ottoman that doubles as a cocktail table. Find a sofa that is a sleeper sofa, to immediately turn the living room into a guest room at any given time. Multi-functioning pieces give you the ability to buy just one piece instead of spending more money on another specific piece.
Getting creative is also another option when planning or budgeting for furniture.

photo-1522107177-01884fcfa2bb.jpg  Although there may be super bargains available on multiple pieces, you may only have a budget to buy a piece at a time. Well thought out and chosen pieces can work extremely well instead of a complete set. Look for items in your price range that complement each other and are color coordinated, similar patterns and colors. Typically individual pieces from various sets may cost less and stay within your budget. Lamps, area rugs, and other accents tend to be a little more budget friendly, have a long life span and can be moved from room to room relatively easy.
All in all, have a plan, know your options, and what is available for the price range or budget you are sticking to. Buy necessities, and other furniture items as you feel is the right move. You do not have to go extreme shopping when it comes to furnishing your home with up to date furniture. For any other furniture needs call Donna France today at (216) 296-3957, with Levin Furniture.


Tips to Keep Your Furniture Like New!

Tips to keep your furniture like new!

Finding your perfect furniture is truly a satisfying feeling, and enjoying it for as long as you can is what everybody wants! Some simple care steps can help you keep your furniture looking fresh and as new as possible for a very long time! Whether it’s indoor, outdoor, living room, bedroom or any other furnished room, here are some tips to keep your furniture in like new condition.
board-3772063_960_720.jpgReading the care label or instructions is the first thing you should do after you have placed your furniture, tested it and know that it is the right piece. The care label is specific to the item you have purchased and it can give you the do and dont’s associated with it. The care label will tell you what cleaning products can be used on it if it can be steam cleaned, or what is safe to wash or clean it with. If you are familiar with the basic care needed for that specific piece it can stay looking new for a very long time. If there is not a care label, or instructions attached to your item, or came with it, ask the store or associate you have purchased it from.
architecture-2804083__340.jpgAvoiding sun exposure is another crucial task when your perfect furniture is set. Sun exposure can cause fading over time, paint or stains may peel, or other conditions may occur from prolonged sun exposure. Conditioning leather furniture often will slow down any cracking from the sun, and give it a longer lifespan. Rotating furniture often, or consider adding window film that will keep harmful sun rays out to allow your furniture to stay like new for a longer amount of time.
vacuum-2116241__340.jpg Rotating pieces or parts of furniture is another great way to keep your furniture comfortable and whole for a longer amount of time. We as people tend to find a spot we always sit, and use it daily for sometimes prolonged periods of time. A chair, or a certain spot on the couch that we should rotate cushions or change our seating arrangement every once in a while. Vacuum under cushions on the couch, sofa, chairs or any other sitting furniture to slow down the signs of aging. Your mattress should also be rotated, usually around twice a year.
package-2072221__340.jpgProtect those fragile surfaces. Tabletops and other surfaces tend to receive a lot of wear and tear due to extended usage. There are many ways to protect these surfaces. Coasters, placemats, table clothes, slipcovers, or runners can all be used to protect surfaces from pets, your “artist” children, food or beverage stains, and overall general use. Cleaning with a mild soap on a damp cloth, dusting or polishing wood surfaces is also a way to help preserve surfaces.
After you have done all this, other things in life happen that may damage, or wear your furniture items that cannot always be protected. Nothing can be predicted, but we can always be preventative and take our best possible steps to keep our prized items clean, usable, and in like new condition. These steps should give you a good base, and can always be added to as you wish in your home! For more information on your furniture needs call Donna France today at Levin Furniture, (216) 296-3957.
