How to pick the right furniture for your home!

How to pick the right furniture for your home!

Picking out the correct furniture for your home can be extremely overwhelming.  Walking into a furniture store with a plan on what you think will be perfect for your home, may sound like a great plan, but as soon as you enter you are met with various options in color, style and overall scheme that can change your mind or opinion.  Just remember that this is YOUR HOME! And your ideas and opinions are what matter.  I am going to give you some tips,that were used successfully in furniture buying.

Decide what you like!!  Bring a list of color schemes, patterns, and textures you prefer.  Mixing and matching are acceptable, within reason.  Assigning your plans to a category Is also good practice. Some of the major categories include…

Contemporary – Sharp, Angular, Metallic.

Country – Soft, Floral, Painted woods.

Casual – Comfy, Earthy, Woods.

Traditional – Antiques, Dark brown/redwoods.

Eclectic – Ethnic/Artisan pieces, Individualized.


Using these themes to plan each room in your home generally works best.  Magazines, TV Shows, Books, Catalogs, The internet can all give you great ideas as a stencil for your furniture ideas.

Be honest with yourself about your lifestyle!!  For instance, if you have young children, that color, or are mischievous..  a white cloth casual living room set may not the best idea.  If you have playful kittens, or dogs a big leather sectional may not be the best idea either. Any of these themes could work but be reasonable with yourself, and consider all options and future possibilities.

Decide what is most important, and set a price limit ahead of time!! You absolutely do not have to buy the entire living room set or bedroom set of your dreams all at once.  You can start slowly, and replace items at your own pace and budget over a period of time. Essentially building the room around pieces you love.  And also make sure you shop around.  Look for the best values in your set price range, and be patient.  You do not have to settle for what you can afford, or anything that exceeds your range.

Construction and Plans!!  Keeping a list of dimensions in any space you are trying to furnish is also good to do.  Use a tape measure, yardstick, or any other utensil to take measurements and make floor plans to have with you on your furniture buying journey.  Solid and sturdy furniture is your best bet. Wood frames and high-quality springs tend to last longer than cheaply made items.  Stain resistant fabrics are also a good idea, especially if the furniture is going to be used often.  Give the furniture a sit test as well.  Make sure its comfort is up to your expectations.

Do not let anyone rush you!!  This is your furniture, and it will be in your home!  Many furniture stores also offer free services and can help plan your décor.  Stick to your plans, and what ideas you have brought with you, and do not settle for anything you have to question.  Trust your own judgment, no matter what others recommend.

Those were a few tips to get you on your way to buying new furniture for your home. After all, this furniture will be used by you and your family more than anything else, so your final decision is what matters.  Have a plan, stick to it, and in the end, you will be satisfied!  You can do it!! If you have any further questions on furniture buying, contact Donna at (216)296-3957.


Why You Can’t Find Your Perfect Furniture Look

I know; it’s hard to find the perfect look for your home.  You browse Pinterest, home décor blogs, and furniture stores (and their websites) looking for the right combination of furniture, the right colors, the right function, size, comfort level, etc. etc.

But with all the options out there and places to look, why is it so difficult to find the perfect look?

You’re not shopping with the right person.

Yeah, you can go into just about any furniture store and shop with a sales associate.  Sometimes they’re part-time, sometimes full-time, and sometimes they’re wonderful, while other times, they’re wondering what time they get to leave and go to a party later.  Some are just interested in the commission, while others really want to help you find the right things for your home.

Another option is to just go into a store and look yourself.  Many people choose this option.  You know the feeling; you walk into a store, the sales associate asks if you need any help looking, and you say something along the lines of, “No thanks, just browsing.”  You continue to browse the store, find nothing, and move on to another store or another website.  The furniture you were looking for just wasn’t there.  Is it anywhere?

Finding the right person to help you create the look for your home can change all of this.

When you find a salesperson who really wants to help you find the right look, plus knows what he/she is doing, you can finally get on the right path to finding a look that is perfect for your home.

Home décor is all about picturing your vision for your dream home—what colors, what feel you want it to have (cozy, modernistic, rustic log cabin, etc.).  You get an exact picture in your head of what you want, and yet it’s very difficult to actually find it.


The reason you can’t always find what you’re looking for when you walk into a store and browse is because often, what you’re looking for isn’t there.

This is when having a salesperson who listens and knows what’s out there is beneficial.  Once a salesperson like this gets an idea of what you’re looking for, he/she knows exactly what might be available or where to look.  Even if the furniture isn’t right there out on the floor for you to look at (imagine how much you’ve missed because you didn’t know they didn’t put everything out!), they can help you find it!  The difference between a person like this and one who’s just there to sell you whatever you seem to want at the time can make the difference between finding exactly what you want for your home (and making the inside of your home everything you wanted it to be).  Stay within your budget, and have your visions realized without driving yourself crazy looking through pictures of products that don’t exist anymore, or that you don’t know if it will be comfortable or serve its purpose well!

Get good quality furniture with the help of someone who listens to what you want and can help you fulfill your vision and give your home the look and feel you always imagined.  Don’t wander aimlessly hoping for something nice to show up.  This is your home.  Make it what you want it to be.

For help finding the perfect furniture to fulfill your vision, call me or text me (216-296-3957) to schedule a time to come into Levin Furniture (16960 Sprague Rd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio)!

Pet-Friendly Furniture

cats and dogsAccording to the ASPCA, in the United States alone, approximately 44% of households have a dog and 35% of households have a cat.

The truth is, if anyone owns an animal, it’s a guarantee that at some point you will have dog or cat hair on your furniture or even some claw marks or scratches. That being said, there are many types of pet-friendly options you have to choose from that will definitely be better than others, so make sure to choose the right kind when furniture shopping. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to stick with fabrics that are very tightly woven. In addition, choosing darker furniture colors may be in your best interest as well to help hide dirt and hair.



Microfiber is a great material for pets because the tight fabric allows you to quickly and easily remove hair that has accumulated on the fabric by using your hang or a lint brush. Not only is microfiber easy to get hair out of, but it is also easy to clean. If your pet leaves a stain, most often it will come out with some water and mild soap. This fabric is about as close to pet-proof as you can get, and even better, cats don’t seem to like scratching it!

cat couch


Leather is a second great option, and most of the time, it looks a little better than the microfiber. The great thing about leather is that pet hair doesn’t stick to it like a magnet, and for the most part, it is resistant to odor. In addition, if it gets a little scratch on it, it can usually be buffed out. But if you’re worried about the scratching part, go for distressed leather instead.

Outdoor Fabrics

Outdoor fabrics are a common go-to because they are stain and odor resistant and also repel moisture. It is easy to clean, and as a special bonus, there are often really fun colors and prints you can find to spice up your living area! If you don’t want to get whole pieces of outdoor furniture, you can also consider getting a slipcover made out of the same material.

Other choices

If you already have furniture or don’t want to get any of these types of pet-friendly furniture, one other option is using a canvas slipcover to throw over your couch that can easily be taken off and washed in the washing machine as needed. Another option is a product called “Scotchgard Fabric Protector Spray” for items like upholstery, curtains, pillows, table linens, and more. It can also be used on clothing and shoes!

Fabric to avoid

Now that we went over the BEST type of furniture for pets, let’s go over some that you want to try to avoid at all costs if you want to keep your life easy.

First is chenille. Although it is durable, soft, and hides dirt well, it can easily become destroyed if your pet’s claws get stuck in the loops and pull them.

Next is velvet. Velvet is luxurious and all kinds of wonderful, but not the best for pets because stains are not so easy to get rid of, and any attempt to get rid of them could easily ruin the velvet.

Last is silk, which mostly goes without saying due to the fact that it stains easily, rips easily, and tends to be pretty expensive too.

Pets are our best friends. They are there when we need them, and they always show us unconditional love no matter what the circumstance. So, treat your best friend right, and get some pet friendly furniture that they can enjoy too! Your pet will thank you, and so will your furniture!

For help picking out the perfect furniture for your family (which we know often includes pets), give me a call to set up a time to shop with me at Levin Furniture, located at 16960 Sprague Rd in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.

Budget Furniture Shopping

furnitureWhether you are getting a new place or simply updating your current one, furniture shopping can be taxing on both you and your wallet. Furnishing a home is one of the biggest expenditures and unfortunately will probably cost more than you want to spend. Although it can be a process and a pain in the butt to do, some patience and research can get you a long way in your shopping spree and even save you some money. Just what you want to hear, right? Let’s find out how!

Map out your furniture needs

First of all, figure out the type of furniture you want and need. Start with the most important pieces to make sure that you can at least get those in your budget, and then worry about the smaller pieces down the line. For example, plan out the couches, beds, and tables first, and then worry about your nightstands, end tables, or other small furniture. Once you have the list of furniture that you need first and foremost, you can get to shopping.

Check the clearance items

Before you go to that fancy furniture at full-price, look for the clearance sales. Last season’s models usually go on sale at some retailers, and we promise, they are just as in-style as the new furniture. Sometimes, you may even be able to get a discount on an entire furniture set if the whole set is an old design too. At Levin Furniture in Middleburg Heights, we do a tent sale that allows huge savings on quality furniture! Only catch is that we don’t offer deliveries on this furniture.

Go for the furniture with multiple functions

There is a variety of furniture out there that can be used for several different things. For example, a stool can be used as a seat or an end-table, or a futon can be used as a bed or a couch. There are even tables that also act as storage units! Pieces that have multiple functions will save you a lot of money, so go out there and see what cool multi-functional pieces you can find!

couch and book

Don’t let furniture shopping empty your pockets. You’re going to need that money for many more things in your home! And keep in mind that just because you spend a lot of money on a piece of furniture, doesn’t mean it is going to last 10 years longer. Sometimes the cheaper furniture will last just as long. So next time you are out and about looking for some new furniture, try these tips first. Any money saved is a good day.

Another good piece of advice is to shop with someone who knows the best quality furniture at the best price. At Levin Furniture, I work on getting my customers the best deals on quality furniture that they will enjoy for years to come. Visit me at our location in Middleburg Heights or call me at 216-296-3957 to set up a time when I’m working to come in and shop!

How to Make Your Home Look Bigger

Let’s be honest here, our homes are never quite as large as we want them.  No matter how much space we start out with, we always end up with more stuff than space, and the house never looks big enough.  This doesn’t mean you need to pack up and move into a bigger house, though.  I’ve put together some tricks for you to make your house look bigger without having transition into a bigger, more expensive home.

Big Room

  1. Declutter – With everything we tend to accumulate spread around our living space, a room will look much smaller. A common real estate trick is to show as much floor and wall as possible when selling your home.  This trick also works for making your home look bigger on a daily basis.  To do this, find ways to organize everything.  Go through your things and sell or donate things you no longer want or use.  For the things you’re keeping, get shoe racks, build or buy shelves or cubbies, or organize them nicely in a closet.
  2. Space Everything Out – This step also falls into the concept of showing more floor and wall. Spread the furniture out to allow some space between everything.  Cramming it all together may make one side of the room look bigger, but it makes the room as a whole look smaller overall.
  3. Paint with Light Colors – Dark colors make a room look smaller and sometimes slightly claustrophobic. Instead, choose lighter colors like white, cream, ivory, and light greys, pinks, and blues.
  4. Invest in Mirrors – Mirrors are multi-functional. They’re great for their obvious purpose of making sure there isn’t food on your face and that your hair is meeting-ready, but they’re also great for décor and making a room look bigger.
  5. Paint the Ceiling Darker – It may seem counterproductive since I’ve already said that lighter colors open up a room, but that’s when they’re painted on a wall. When painting a ceiling, going darker will give the room depth.
  6. Paint the Trimmings a Different Color – Yeah, I know, I’ve talked a lot about paint. If the trimmings, baseboards, etc., are painted a different (still light) color (ex. walls are white, trimmings are light blue), it opens up the room and makes it look bigger.  The different colors on the walls give the room more depth, causing it to look bigger than it actually is.
  7. Choose large-scale flooring – Installing tiles with larger patterns make the room look larger, and installing them diagonally only accentuates the effect of the large tile. The larger tile also has the added benefit of having less grout, and therefore, it can stay cleaner with much less effort.
  8. Choose furniture that is low to the ground. – When furniture has more space above it, it opens up the room in the same way a vaulted ceiling does. Obviously, there is not any more space in the room itself, but the more wall that shows between the furniture and the ceiling, the bigger the room appears.
  9. Move aside the curtains – Or get rid of them altogether. Curtains and window curtainscoverings tend to close off the room by creating more space between the room and the outside for your eye.  Without window coverings, your eye will travel outside, creating the illusion that the room blends into the outside and that the room continues on for more distance than it actually does.
  10. Make use of hidden storage – Coffee tables that open into a chest, couches that open to reveal hidden storage areas, and storage under the bed can all double as furniture and storage. This way, the clutter is gone, and you don’t have to have extra space to keep everything.

For help finding the perfect furniture to make your home look bigger, contact me to come in to Levin Furniture at 16960 Sprague Rd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio.  Call or text me at 216-296-3957 to plan a time to come in!

5 Ways Your Mattress is Ruining Your Health

mattressYour mattress is the biggest thing affecting your sleep, and it affects many other aspects of your health that you may not even be aware of.  Sure, you probably know that having a good mattress is crucial for sleep quality, but the price tag tends to scare people off buying new ones.  When you actually sit down and realize the harmful effects your mattress is having on you, though (it’s not just tossing and turning), you may start to realize that the money is worth it and might even save you money in the long run.

Bad mattresses are bad for your health in ways other than just being uncomfortable or maybe waking up more often in the middle of the night.

  1. Increased back pain – You’ve probably been told if you have any back pain at all that it could be because of your mattress. And, if you’re like many other Americans, you brushed it off and blamed it on multiple other things you do during the day or just said, “Oh well.”  The problem is, though, you’re not only uncomfortable, but back pain can increase as you keep doing the same old things that started it, and it can start to get in the way of your life.  Back pain tends to stop people from working out and getting active and sometimes even sitting comfortably.  Sleeping is also incredibly uncomfortable, which means you’re not getting a good night’s sleep.  A chiropractor can help with your back, too, but even they’ll tell you a good mattress will help you prevent it in the future.  There are even ones that will HELP back pain.
  2. Snoring – Does your spouse sleep on the couch or with earplugs because you snore catso much (you know who you are)? You’re not alone, and while there are tons of causes of snoring, some of which you should contact a doctor about, as snoring can actually be very dangerous and sometimes even fatal.  An old mattress takes the shape of your body and can cause airways to be under tension or tissues to end up sunken, which lead to snoring.
  3. Obesity – People who get less sleep at night and are not getting the recommended 7 hours are more likely to hold onto fat, burn LESS fat, eat more, and burn fewer calories throughout the day. It also increases sugar cravings, and the lack of energy definitely isn’t good for exercise.  For these reasons, a mattress that’s old and keeps you up at night is actually promoting obesity and could be the reason you’re struggling to lose weight when you’ve been eating well and exercising.
  4. Allergies – Old mattresses bring with them bed bugs and dust mites, both of which live off your dead skin cells (I know, it’s gross. They’re not pleasant creatures).  According to WedMD, 20 million Americans are allergic to bed bugs, which means they are suffering from their own mattresses.  This could be causing numerous types of allergies, including skin irritations, and it’s a very common problem with old mattresses.  Do you really want to be sharing your bed with 100 unwanted (and gross) friends?
  5. Heart Conditions – According to a European Heart Journal review, short sleepers have a 48% higher risk of developing heart disease. This is not a small percentage, and heart conditions aren’t something to play around with or risk.  Add in any genetic factors that might increase your risk, and you’re looking at a potentially big problem.  When it comes to not getting enough sleep, your heart suffers, as does your blood pressure, and you’re significantly increasing your chance of a stroke when you consistently don’t get enough shut-eye.

You may not even realizing you’re waking often during the night because of your mattress.  If you’re waking up sore and drowsy, you’re probably not getting the great night’s sleep you might think.  Plus, you probably have a good idea of how old your mattress is.

Buying a new mattress may seem like a big expense, but it can save thousands of dollars in doctor bills alone just by preventing some of the above health problems, and it can also help you be more efficient throughout the day by helping you have more energy.

For help picking out the perfect new mattress for you (and to find some really great mattress sales), come visit me at Levin Furniture at 16960 Sprague Rd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio.  Call or text me at 216-296-3957 to plan a time to come in!

Why Not to Buy Furniture Online

InternetThe convenience of making purchases online is something that people all over the world have begun to take advantage of.  When it comes to making purchases on websites like Amazon that offer free shipping (and quick shipping if you’re a Prime member), you’re saving money and time, and you don’t even have to go to the store.  This may be a solid option for many purchases, but some things are better left to taking the time out to go to a brick-and-mortar store to purchase them.  It’ll end up saving you time and money, and you’ll know exactly what you’re getting.

Furniture is one of these items.  There are online options for purchasing furniture everywhere these days, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best choice, and here’s why:

  • You have no idea what you’re actually getting. It might seem like that new couch you’re getting is the perfect color to match  your living room walls, and maybe the reviews say it’s really soft and perfect for watching TV.  Then it gets delivered, and the color is 4 shades darker than in the picture (Did you know that everyone’s computer monitors show color a little differently, which makes it hard to judge?), and it’s so soft that you literally sink into it.  It’s not what you want, and now you have to go through the trouble of the return (for which most companies charge a restocking fee, and many won’t even refund your shipping cost)!  “Andrea Woroch, who offers advice to consumers on saving money, says an even bigger reason to buy furniture in a store is to see the piece, touch it and sit on it to verify color, quality and comfort. This is particularly true with upholstered items” (Kiplinger – “Things You Should Not Buy Online”).  Mattresses are also tricky to purchase online because there are so many different types of them, and everyone prefers a different level of firmness, so it’s difficult to judge off of reviews whether it will be a good fit for you.
  • The restocking fees really add up. The restocking fees mentioned above that are required by most furniture companies when returning unwanted furniture (even for an exchange) add up really quickly.  If it’s returned right away, sometimes the fees aren’t so high, but after that, the fees start at 25% and only go up from there.  This can add up fast, especially if you’re not entirely sure what you want and have to make multiple returns.
  • Surcharges – Not only do most online furniture companies charge shipping costs, they also charge a delivery surcharge. This usually increases with the size of the furniture, so a sofa will have a higher surcharge than a lamp, for example, but it definitely adds up.


Often times, even when stores claim their online shipping is free, they add fees elsewhere or upcharge their products.  Your best bet when it comes to furniture is to head into the store and try it all out.  Bring color swatches if you have them and measurements of the space in which they will be.  These will all help ensure a better fit for your home and your tastes.  You’ll even get the help of a professional who can help you pick out something that’s just what you’re looking for without all the guesswork.

If you are in the market for new furniture and want to look at it in person, contact me directly or come into Levin Furniture on Pearl Road in Strongsville, Ohio, so that I can help you find the perfect piece of furniture for your home!